Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hello World, It's Me... Another blog hoping to find my place in cyberspace

There are 2 things in life that bring me more satisfaction then they probably should, and are now the inspiration for my blog:

  • To-Do Lists... complete me. Writing down the things I need to accomplish in a bullet list with a square box drawn at the end to be checked once I have accomplished the task equals pure heaven in my book. I have been making lists as long as I can remember. Every week I make a checklist of the things I need to accomplish (The list usually doubles in length before 25% is even complete...)  It is such an incredible feeling when I get to put and X in the box and move on to the next thing.
  • The Little Things... push me. I have always had super-duper to the moon and back expectations about life and the milestones that we go through. Senior Prom - Not that cool, Going off to college - No big thing, College Graduation - Anticlimactic... I just always imagined I would feel so different during and after these events. I have recently come to realize that it is not going to be the big things in my life that bring me those unbelievable feelings... its going to be the little things and it always has been the little things I just didn't always appreciate them.

Organization and Observation. The main themes of this blog and my life going forward. I have been contemplating starting a blog for about 8 months now, but never could settle on a topic to blog about. Inspiration struck me today when I made a check list of the 11 things I want to do in 2011. Then it hit me... I'll write about the my weekly goals and how I achieve them, my 11 major goals and how I work towards them throughout the year, and the other quirky ways I keep my life organized (I am crazy about my day planner too.) I also want to try and take time to reflect on the little things in life that make it so gosh darn cool. I have many other aspirations for this blog as well, but they will develop in time, as all good things do. (Because right now this blog is hideous. I need some customization ASAP!)

Can't wait to see what this blog will become!

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